Fraser Valley Library

"Other Ways to Donate"

There are other ways to donate, besides membership, Used Book Sales, and Special Events. These are:

City Market Rewards Program

IRA Required Mimimum Distribution

Or Cash

Our tax EIN number for donations is: 84-0929445

City Market Community Rewards Program

Each time you shop at City Market and use your rewards card, City Market will contribute a small percentage of your purchase amount to the Friends. Your personal information is secure and there is no change to your fuel point accumulation.

Follow these instructions to add Friends of the Library to your City Market Value Card:

  1. Go to

  2. If you already have a sign-on, sign on and go to step 4. Otherwise, click on "Create An Account".

  3. Enter your information, including your City Market Value Card number, and click on "Create Account".

  4. Click on "Savings & Rewards.

  5. Select "City Market Community Rewards" from the dropdown menu.

  6. Click "Enroll Now".

  7. Enter "CA638" under "Enter your organization's number", and click "Search".

  8. Select "The Friends of the Grand County Library" and click on "Enroll".

  9. You are done.
Grand Lake Library

IRA Required Minimum Distribution

Your required minimum distribution is the minimum amount you must withdraw from your retirement account each year. You generally have to start taking withdrawals from your IRA, SEP IRA, SIMPLE IRA, or retirement plan account when you reach age 70½.

Some people donate their Required Minimum Distribution to a 501 (c) (3) charity like the Friends of the Grand County Library. If the money is donated directly to the charity you avoid paying taxes on that part of the distribution.

The check from your financial institution must be made out to "Friends of the Grand County Library, Inc." It can either be mailed to you or directly to the friends.

The address is:
Friends of The Grand County Library
PO Box 1050
Granby, CO 80446

If, instead, you would like to make a cash dontation, click here:"